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Untitled Assassin Project

Warrior Cats


A Lifetime Among Lycans

"That woman, deserves her revenge and … we deserve to die. But then again, so does she. So, I guess we’ll just see. Won’t we?"

- Budd, Kill Bill Vol. 1


Full Name: Morninghowl
Morning- In honor of Morningbird, and as a nod to the association between her and beauty. Mornings also correlate with new beginnings and many reds, oranges, and yellows.
Howl- Based on her being the mouthpiece for the undead. Also correlates with her relationship with Littlespider, one of her kits holding the Howl- prefix.
Age: 32 Moons (2 1/2 Years)
Sex, Gender, Prounouns: Transgender Molly, She/Her
Sexuality: Bisexual & Polyamorous
Rank: Rogue Queen
Past Allegiences: Heliosclan
Past Names: Augurkit, Augurhowl, Tiresias, Morning
Past Ranks: Kit, Priestess
Group: Stars Of Destiny

Morninghowl is what you would call an… anti-social bitch. That may be a bit rough, but it’s not that far from the truth. She’s always been weird and off-putting to the those around her, having peculiar mannerisms and seeming to always find a way to stick her nose where it didn’t belong. In response to the very negative feedback, she developed quite the bark. She’s unruly, snarly, and quick to propose dangerous solutions. That’s what makes her fun though.

The extra fun thing is that she can talk to ghosts, allegedly. She isn’t altruistic like other mediums tend to be, and she doesn’t seem to do much good with any of that information. She just tends to be seen talking to herself or referencing apparent ghosts. She doesn't have any incentive to lie, but, her mental health history makes the situation even more muddy. There’s not much evidence for her claims, but some still swear up and down she’s the real thing. Especially since she always seems to know things that she should have no idea about.


  • Creative and fun if she fancies you
  • Asocial and peculiar
  • Pissy and danger-prone
Height: 23 centimeters, 9.2 inches
Weight: 3.6kg, 8 pounds
Body Type: Average
Fur Color: Red Burmese
Eye Color: Blue
Key Features: Multiple Scars that covers her going down a large percentage of her body.
Scent: She naturally smells of sulfur and pomegranite. Typically when she's with her mate, however, she tends to smell more flowery and salty.

Short Description:

A heavily scarred red molly.

Long Description:

She’s a fluffy molly with a nice variation in her coat, darkened into points and freckles. Her eyes are an icy blue. She is littered with scars on her back, legs, underbelly, and shoulder, many of which so deep and large they harm her mobility and strength. She wears a semi-sheer black scarf with red leaves stuck in it and a mocking Corona triumphalis.

Strength: 1/5
Speed: 2/5
Agility: 1/5
Stealth: 4/5
Hunting: 1/5
Herb Knowledge: 4/5
Total: 13/18


Morninghowl, despite having a "warrior name" never had any forms of warrior or medicine cat training. Instead her role was strictly religious and she was given her full common and mythic names at 6 moons. While this means that her medium abilities are incredibly well tuned and she has memorized a thousand and one ceremonies, a lot of her skills are lacking. Especially after her getting her scaring caused a lot of disability, they're bad. The only exceptions being her herb knowledge, which was gained through self maitinence and some medicine cats wanting to teach her both whilst alive and dead, and her stealth, which she learned from sneaking out with Pyriteblaze constantly since they were both apprentice-aged.

Mother: Orangerind "Littlespider"

Orangerind died when Morninghowl was a young kit. Morninghowl doesn't know much about her since she never visited. She was a queen-centered rogue group who became a clan cat due to their better matching ideals. She really liked the status and title that came with being a leader's mate, but, seemed pretty disintristed in the cat himself. Apparently, Morninghowl always looked exactly like her but significantly less put together, but the resemblance ended there.

When asked who her mother is, Morninghowl will instead answer Littlespider. Littlespider is one of the ghosts Morninghowl communicated with the most since kithood and had been an active maternal presense in her life. Morninghowl sees her very positively due to how she'd been treated, but, Littlespider was not the best cat in life and it's debateable how much of that was her fault or grossly mistreated mental illness. Littlespider's discovery of Morninghowl's abilities lead to her immediately latching onto her and trying to spend frequent time with her. It was hindered by her being a ghost that didn't have too much "pracitcal" knowledge that cats would want to learn from and it being detrimental for Morninghowl to spend more time communing with spirits casually then she already did. Still, she's followed her and Pyriteblaze as they went rogue and lingers on nearby.

Father: Boarstar, Rumoured to be a cat now called "Paul" "Ashrain"

Unlike her birth mother, Morninghowl knew her father very, very well. That was more unfortunate then not, however. Boarstar lead since Morninghowl was in late kithood. Due to her abilities, they were frequently in contact during meetings. Their relationship had always been strained, though. Rumors of infidelity due to their lack of resemblance, her being noticably different since a young age, him being a historically bad leader, her taking a strictly female role, and their personalities never mixing well. They're like a snake and a mongoose.

Instead, she claims a ghost to be her father like with her mother on questioning. That would be Ashrain, someone who does ride the line between "fatherly" and "grandfatherly" pretty close. He was a cat who lived his life solitarily, but, as a guide from the shadows to protect cats. A rival clan, Ashclan, was named somewhat in his honor, despite not knowing the cat himself much. He has a full ride to starclan, but chose to stay behind to help the living cats just as much as he did alive, and was very afraid when Morninghowl could see him. Despite his initial reluctance, they did eventually grow close and he became a spirit that was frequently channeled by other cats due to him being extremely skilled. He doesn't linger with Morninghowl specifically, typically going where he finds cats in danger to try and lead them to safety, but he visits.

Siblings: "Whistlekit, Howlkit, and Chirpkit"

Morninghowl has no biological siblings, at least that she knows of. Instead, she claims Littlespider's deceased kits as her siblings. They reside in Starclan, strictly, and aren't allowed to visit their mother for reasons that become obvious upon learning what Littlespider did to them.

Mate: Pyriteblaze

Pyriteblaze and Morninghowl are near inseperable. Many cats have tried to seperate them, in fact, it has just never worked for too long. They met eachother around apprentice age as two extremely lonely cats and since then they constantly snuck out to spend time with eachother. Pyrite blew into some cats' ears to allow them to be isolated and Morninghowl would have big outbursts if it didn't work to get cats to buckle. As soon as Pyriteblaze became a warrior, they became mates in all but name, and since they became rogues they took on the title. They really care for eachother, that much is glaringly obvious from their history, but when they're together they bicker and throw out insults constantly to the point it can be confusing. But if given any mind, it can become clear pretty quickly that it has not an ounce to venom to it. They just have a bit of a unique way of vocally showing any love.

Ex-Peers: Amanitahiss, Laurelpurr, Islewhisper, Myrtleroar, and Cicadamew

Due to how the role was assigned, Morninghowl had no mentor and instead trained among any priestess older then her, be that by a couple moons or several years. She was varying levels of close with the other priestesses, mostly because it was a role that involved a lot of ceremonal work as opposed to directly communing with ancestors or what have you. Morninghowl was the outlier since she was frequently involved with the latter and wasn't avaliable as much outside of ceremonies themselves (and if she was supposed to be avaliable, she oftentime was sneaking out.) They all have pretty varied relationships with Morninghowl, ranging from generally positive to generally negative, but none are as close as they could or should be.

Backstory Paragraphs

Backstory Paragraphs

Backstory Paragraphs

Referance Images

Cat Design Originally by LakeTheLake/Riiverlakes

Color Pallets

Main Pallet

████ #DB7849 - ████ #E7935C - ████ #F2AA6E - ████ #FDD098 - ████ #F3BC9B - ████ #91CEC7


████ #E96524 - ████ #FEC00E - ████ #524038


By Drymilky Ft. KasuCrow's Paul & Drymilky's Froststar

Ft. KasuCrow's Silver (the Killer)

By ghostii404 Ft. notable_toad's Marbleshade

By LakeTheLake/Riiverlakes

By LakeTheLake/Riiverlakes

Ft. KasuCrow's Paul

By KasuCrow

Ft. KasuCrow's Shadowheart & Black_Sand's Owlstrike

Ft. SpookySnow's Megera and Borowstown's Alecto

By squeakyclam

By soob.mp3

Ft. KasuCrow's Paul

By Black_Sand

Inspired by Live Through This by Hole

Ft. KasuCrow's Paul

By KasuCrow