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Untitled Assassin Project

Warrior Cats


A Lifetime Among Lycans

"The watchword, butcher, is liberty."

- Cassius Chaerea, I, Claudius


Full Name: Pyriteblaze
Pyrite- Named after his gold fur and in the same style of his mother, Nuumanite's, name. Collaqually known as "Fool's Gold" and associated with greed and hubris.
Blaze- A pretty impressive suffix earned after a feat, fire related suffixes having mixed associations with power and destruction.
Age: 28 Moons (2 1/2 Years)
Sex, Gender, Prounouns: Whatever your heart desires, He/Him
Sexuality: Bisexual & Polyamorous
Rank: Rogue
Past Allegiences: ???
Past Names: Pyrite, Pyritepaw
Past Ranks: Loner, Apprentice, Warrior?
Group: Stars Of Destiny

Pyriteblaze is someone who fits the “dashing rogue” persona in a way. He’s charming yet dangerous. He’ll stab some backs and kiss some asses, but he’s got a method to the madness for the most part. He has a world he wants to see and he’s going to make it so eventually. His main achilles’ heel is just greed both when it comes to climbing the ladder socially and something on the side. The biggest strength he has is just the ability to be a straight man in all of the madness, and by being that he has a lot more control in a situation than others may realize.


  • Charming and relatively collected
  • Determined the point he’s unafraid to do what he needs, for better and worse
  • Greedy and not forth-coming
Height: 23 centimeters, 9.4 inches
Weight: 4.5kg, 10 pounds
Body Type: Swimmer's Build
Fur Color: Dilute Calico
Eye Color: Blue (left), Brown and Green (right)
Key Features: Too many to count.
Scent: He smells flowery and salty, the former more intentionally then the latter. His mate's natural pomegranite and sulfur sent rubs off on him on occassion, but, he thinks it's gross so he tries to make sure neither of them smell.

Short Description:

A longhair yellow and blue cat.

Long Description:

A scraggly cat with long yellow fur with blue parts awkwardly placed throughout in swaths and speckles. Everything about him tends to be either furry or sharp teeth and claws always out and displayed and fur in varying levels of kept appropriate for the time of day. His skin is pink in some places and grey in others, his eyes are different colors. He’s a bit patchwork but in a charming way. He wears a leaf cape, two crocodile teeth piercing, and a mocking Corona triumphalis.

Strength: 3/5
Speed: 3/5
Agility: 4/5
Stealth: 5/5
Hunting: 2/5
Herb Knowledge: 1/5
Total: 18/18


Pyriteblaze started as a swimmer, a strong one at that, much of his strengths come from that background. He's got average strength and speed, pretty good agility, and very good stealth. He's pretty well rounded. His warrior training accentuated the latter two, as well as a pension for sneaking out from a young age. His main flaws come down to hunting, as in a clan environment it was not what was needed from him and medicine, as the extent of his medical skills has been doing what Morninghowl has told him to without a need to absorb it.

Mother: Nuuminite

Pyriteblaze was always very, very close with his mother. He lived with her alone through as much as his early life as he could remember. She taught him much of what he took into his adulthood: a love for water, unique fighting and hunting styles, her language, and most importantly her moral code. Nuuminite came from a culture very different from most cats but close to clans all her long life, so she had had a lot of her own views on what was cruel and what was worth savoring. She'd oftentimes show her kit examples of cats from afar to get her messages to really stick. While a lot of these factors about Pyriteblaze did ultimately set him further apart from other cats, oftentimes being more like an observer than ever really a part of the team, it was invulable. Nuuminite passed when he was around apprentice age, which lead to him gradually integrating into clan culture.

Mate: Morninghowl

Pyriteblaze and Morninghowl are near inseperable. Many cats have tried to seperate them, in fact, it has just never worked for too long. They met eachother around apprentice age as two extremely lonely cats and since then they constantly snuck out to spend time with eachother. Pyrite blew into some cats' ears to allow them to be isolated and Morninghowl would have big outbursts if it didn't work to get cats to buckle. As soon as Pyriteblaze became a warrior, they became mates in all but name, and since they became rogues they took on the title. They really care for eachother, that much is glaringly obvious from their history, but when they're together they bicker and throw out insults constantly to the point it can be confusing. But if given any mind, it can become clear pretty quickly that it has not an ounce to venom to it. They just have a bit of a unique way of vocally showing any love.

Mentor: Blackkite

Due to how the role was assigned, Morninghowl had no mentor and instead trained among any priestess older then her, be that by a couple moons or several years. She was varying levels of close with the other priestesses, mostly because it was a role that involved a lot of ceremonal work as opposed to directly communing with ancestors or what have you. Morninghowl was the outlier since she was frequently involved with the latter and wasn't avaliable as much outside of ceremonies themselves (and if she was supposed to be avaliable, she oftentime was sneaking out.) They all have pretty varied relationships with Morninghowl, ranging from generally positive to generally negative, but none are as close as they could or should be.

Mother-In-Law: Littlespider


Father-In-Law: Boarstar

Pyriteblaze hated that guy. Hated him. Boarstar hated his mentor, he hated his mate, but funnily enough thought pretty well of Pyriteblaze himself. A lot of that came down to him being able to hold his tongue and throw out some compliments, so it resulted in a pretty amicable relationship.

Backstory Paragraphs

Backstory Paragraphs

Backstory Paragraphs

Referance Images

Cat Design by LaketheLake/Riiverlakes and Me

Color Pallets

Main Pallet

████ #4D5059 - ████ #E0B51B - ████ #F1D432 - ████ #F5F887 - ████ #E58052 - ████ #543B07 - ████ #9D992D - ████ #91CEC7


████ #E96524 -████ #E99824 - ████ #BD772C - ████ #F1D432 - ████ #FEC00E


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