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Untitled Assassin Project

Warrior Cats


A Lifetime Among Lycans

"That woman, deserves her revenge and … we deserve to die. But then again, so does she. So, I guess we’ll just see. Won’t we?"

- Budd, Kill Bill Vol. 1


Full Name: Magdalene "Maggie" Morningstar
Age: Varies
Sex, Gender, Prounouns: Transgender Molly, She/Her
Sexuality: Bisexual & Polyamorous
Group: Untitled Assassin Project

Morning is what you would call an… anti-social bitch. That may be a bit rough, but it’s not that far from the truth. She’s always been weird and off-putting to the those around her, having peculiar mannerisms and seeming to always find a way to stick her nose where it didn’t belong. In response to the very negative feedback, she developed quite the bark. She’s unruly, snarly, and quick to propose dangerous solutions. That’s what makes her fun though.

The extra fun thing is that she can talk to ghosts, allegedly. She isn’t altruistic like other mediums tend to be, and she doesn’t seem to do much good with any of that information. She just tends to be seen talking to herself or referencing apparent ghosts. She doesn't have any apparent financial or otherwise scammy incentive, but, her mental health history makes the situation even more muddy. There’s not much evidence for her claims, but some still swear up and down she’s the real thing. Especially since she always seems to know things that she should have no idea about.


  • Creative and fun if she fancies you
  • Asocial and peculiar
  • Pissy and danger-prone
Height: 5'6"
Weight: Average
Body Type: Average
Hair Color: Ginger
Eye Color: Blue
Complexion: Pale with Freckles
Race: White
Key Features: Multiple Scars that covers her going down a large percentage of her body.

Short Description:


Long Description:



Backstory Paragraphs

Backstory Paragraphs

Backstory Paragraphs

Referance Images

Cat Design Originally by LakeTheLake

Color Pallets

Main Pallet

████ #E7935C - ████ #D8A282 - ████ #F3BC9B - ████ #F3CEBB - ████ #91CEC7

Main Clothing

████ #3C2120 - ████ #8C221E - ████ #5D3620 - ████ #2F1B11 - ████ #B3A197




Ft. Loveabelladonna's Karina Reznov

Ft. KasuCrow's Silver (the Killer)

By ghostii404 Ft. notable_toad's Marbleshade

By LakeTheLake

By LakeTheLake

By LakeTheLake

By Soob




Ft. Loveabelladonna's Karina Reznov
