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Untitled Assassin Project

Warrior Cats


A Lifetime Among Lycans

"The watchword, butcher, is liberty."

- Cassius Chaerea, I, Claudius


Full Name: Dick
Age: Varies
Sex, Gender, Prounouns: Whatever your heart desires, He/Him
Sexuality: Bisexual & Polyamorous
Group: Untitled Assassin Project

Dick is someone who fits the “dashing rogue” persona in a way. He’s charming yet dangerous. He’ll stab some backs and kiss some asses, but he’s got a method to the madness for the most part. He has a world he wants to see and he’s going to make it so eventually. His main achilles’ heel is just greed both when it comes to climbing the ladder socially and something on the side. The biggest strength he has is just the ability to be a straight man in all of the madness, and by being that he has a lot more control in a situation than others may realize.


  • Charming and relatively collected
  • Determined the point he’s unafraid to do what he needs, for better and worse
  • Greedy and not forth-coming
Height: 5'7"-ish
Weight: Average
Body Type: Swimmer's Build
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue (left), Brown and Green (right)
Complexion: Pale with Hyperpigmentation
Race: White
Key Features: Too many to count.

Short Description:


Long Description:



Backstory Paragraphs

Backstory Paragraphs

Backstory Paragraphs

Referance Images

Cat Design Originally by LakeTheLake

Color Pallets

Main Pallet

████ #E0B51B - ████ #F9CDA0 - ████ #371D05 - ████ #543B07 - ████ #9D992D - ████ #91CEC7

Main Clothing

████ #E5C561 - ████ #6A4C23 - ████ #40301C - ████ #2D1D08


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Ft. LakeTheLake's River

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