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Warrior Cats


A Lifetime Among Lycans

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Full Name: Ferretfoot
Ferret- Sounds cool!!!
Foot- Kinda weird and gross but sounds good with illiteration and shit?
Sex, Gender, Prounouns: Transgender Molly, She/They
Sexuality: Straight. And like soooo single.
Rank: Loner
Past Allegiences: Like.. A ton of them.
Nickames: Ferret, Ferf, Ferfy, and worse!
Past Ranks: Loner, Rogue, and Warrior at least but all at different time
Group: Stars Of Destiny

Ferretfoot's fun, live is a party and she is dancing through it. Those are for better, oftentimes being a blast to hang out, or for the worse, which comes with being a bit of an adult loser. She's constantly working for pay for other cats, doing odd jobs for pay. Typically totally underselling herself and loosing what she makes right after to be on the market again. While she may be for hire, she's not amoral. She might not be able to articulate why she may feel a certain way, or hell even where she is, but there are lines in the sand she won't cross just because "it ain't right." Most cats never even approach that though, mostly knowing her as that nice loner over yonder.


  • Very adaptive and easy to get along with
  • Well traveled wanderer
  • Underestimates herself and greatly underapplies due to it
Height: 28 centimeters, 11 inches
Weight: 3.6kg, 8 pounds
Body Type: Lean and Lanky
Fur Color: Chocolate Lynx Point
Eye Color: Amber
Key Features: Ferret tends to heavily slur her speech as well as having a redder then not accent.
Scent: Changes regularly, but always something on the nicer side of woodsy.

Short Description:

A colorpoint molly with a blue, pink, and white collar and flower.

Long Description:

A moggie. She has short fur that has brown points and tabby stripes with an off-white body. She's a lynx point. They are a very agile and long cat, rather slim with their strongest part being their legs. All and all, they're on the lanky side. Her eyes are amber and her face has rounded, softer features. She wears a blue, pink, and white collar that doesn't have her name on it and red flower in her ear.

Strength: 2/5
Speed: 4/5
Agility: 5/5
Stealth: 2/5
Hunting: 3/5
Herb Knowledge: 1/5
Total: 18/18


Ferretfoot is someone who is very clearly skilled. She's overly agile, enough to be able to around in any awkward angle but without any joints being fragile or prone to dislocation. She's pretty fast, a little less strong and stealthy, and she can take care of herself. Generally she's really well balanced. The only issue really comes about with anything that requires a lot of thought and memory. Due to a traumatic brain injury, a lot of tasks involving a lot of retention can be beyond difficult. Herb knowledge, learning directions to places, even just keeping track of a lot of things is far from her strong suit.


Ferretfoot is an amnesiac. When it comes to anything relating to her backstory it generally tends to come back blank except for the more recent moons. Even then, "recent moons" tends to just cover time floating around different groups but never really staying permenantly. She was around for Silver, but didn't stay after. Some cats recall her from when they were younger, that comes with... VERY enthusastic shushing. She's just there. Does she have much a motive to change her ways? Not particularly, at least.

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By soob.mp3

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